[ipv6hackers] Troopers15 IPv6 Security Summit / CfP
Enno Rey
2015-01-08 23:40:21 UTC

a happy new year to everybody! [in spite of the recent events]

Just a quick note: at this year's Troopers conference [disclaimer: I'm involved with the event, on the organizers' side] there will be another IPv6 Security Summit. To get an idea of the latter, here's the 2014 agenda: https://www.troopers.de/events/troopers14/372_ipv6_security_summit/.
The Troopers CfP is open for another two days (see https://www.troopers.de/troopers/contribute/) and it applies to the IPv6 Sec Summit, too. So if any of you has some cool IPv6 security research or case study pls feel encouraged to submit it. Furthermore, more importantly, we usually grant free access to the conference to a number of students, based on a motivational letter they send. Again, this applies to the IPv6 Sec Summit as well. So if you'd like to join it as a student, please apply either through the Troopers CfP channel or by direct mail to me.

Please apologize if you consider this post too event-centric. We dared to send it hoping it might provide an opportunity to somebody to join the summit, in one way or another, to further drive IPv6 and its security.

thank you

Enno Rey

ERNW GmbH - Carl-Bosch-Str. 4 - 69115 Heidelberg - www.ernw.de
Tel. +49 6221 480390 - Fax 6221 419008 - Cell +49 173 6745902

Handelsregister Mannheim: HRB 337135
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Enno Rey

Blog: www.insinuator.net || Conference: www.troopers.de
Twitter: @Enno_Insinuator